Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Day 11: Cleaning Supplies: Wood polish & SOS




You would think with the amount of cleaning supplies I have, my house would be spotless right?! nope, It's not enough to own them, you have to use them too!
I have 5 different wood cleaning products and 4 different silver polishing bottles?!
I threw out some vintage cleaning bottles (over 10 yrs old and haven't used yet) and donated some items that I have too much of.  I can't figure out where the SOS pads came from... I'm thinking maybe hubby bought them to clean the grill or the white walls of tires ? I'm keeping them for now and asking him about them tonight.  This was pretty fast and painless, and I learned that I don't need wood cleaner for another 5 yrs ~

Tomorrow is tablecloths.

1 comment:

  1. Usually, there’s an expiration date for cleaning supplies. They just don't clean as well as they do after a couple of years. My mother used SOS pads everywhere. I’m sure you'll find good use for them. If you want to de-clutter even more, make your own cleaning solutions from home for everything! It is fun to make and much cheaper.
